1st goat: Baa Baa
2nd goat: I was going to say that.
Why did the goat cross the road?
He was tied to the chicken.
At what time does a goat wake up?
At the baaa of dawn.
What do goats watch on TV?
Where did the goat go when he was sick?
To the goator!
A goat and a duck went to a restaurant for dinner. Who paid?
The duck because he had the bill.
What is a goat's favorite dance ?
The goatstep!
What do you get if you cross a goat with a firework ?
A goatquaker!
Why did the goat cross the road?
To prove he wasn't chicken
Why did the pygmy goat cross the road?
Because he was stapled to a chicken (This is the punk rock version)
How did the goat thief get caught?
The goats he stole were squealers.
Why didn't the goat kids listen to the teacher goat?
Because he was an old goat.
Why did the goat cross the road?
It was the chickens day off!
What did the goat say to the blade of grass?
It was nice knawing you!