Momo says ...............

1st goat: Baa Baa
2nd goat: I was going to say that.

Why did the goat cross the road?
He was tied to the chicken.
At what time does a goat wake up?
At the baaa of dawn.
What do goats watch on TV?

Where did the goat go when he was sick?
To the goator!

A goat and a duck went to a restaurant for dinner. Who paid?
The duck because he had the bill.

What is a goat's favorite dance ?
The goatstep!
What do you get if you cross a goat with a firework ?
A goatquaker!

Why did the goat cross the road?
To prove he wasn't chicken

Why did the pygmy goat cross the road?
Because he was stapled to a chicken (This is the punk rock version)

How did the goat thief get caught?
The goats he stole were squealers.
Why didn't the goat kids listen to the teacher goat?
Because he was an old goat.
Why did the goat cross the road?
It was the chickens day off!
What did the goat say to the blade of grass?
It was nice knawing you!

Wild Goat in Iran

Animation discovered on 5,200-year-old pottery

A 5,200 year old piece of pottery from Iran has been discovered to embody the oldest known animation in the world -- a wild goat eating vegetation:

The wild goat motif can be seen on Iranian pottery dating back to the 4th millennium BCE, as well as jewellery pieces especially among Cassite tribes of ancient Luristan. However, the oldest wild goat representation in Iran was discovered in Negaran Valley in Sardast region, 37 kilometers from Nahok village near Saravan back in 1999.

The engraved painting of wild goat is part of an important collection of lithoglyphs dating back to 8000 BCE.

However, wild goat representation with a tree is associated with Murkum, a mother goddess who was worshipped by all the Indo-Iranian women of the Haramosh valley in modern Pakistan, which culturally had closer ties with Indus and subsequently the Burnt City civilisations, than Mesopotamia, which could had influenced the ancient potter who made this unique piece.

Getting stuck in a basket

Thursday, we all got to go home early and enjoy some serious snow in Dallas. My husband went to check on goats and found Momo had gotten into an old basket. Momo put on the basket like a hula hoop except he got stuck. Momo ate the bottom out of the basket then got in it. :)

David got Momo out of the basket only after I had snapped a few pictures to share.

We love having the goats to entertain us, they are like naughty toddlers.

A few new Goat jokes you might not have heard:

What do you call a goat on a mountain?
A Hillbilly

What do ya call a royal goat wearin denim?
Billy Jean King

What do you call a transexual goat?
Billy Goats Muff

What do ya call a goat who's in charge of a university?
Billy Dean

What do you call a lazy goat?
Billy Idol

What do you call a wet, singing goat?
Billy Ocean

What do you call a miming goat?
Billy Vanilli

Mountain goat video by National Geographic